Alternative Sciatica Treatments
Sciatica is a condition that is caused by the compression of the sciatica nerve. This condition usually results in leg pain. This nerve pain results from nerve root irritation and it also leads to tingling and muscular weakness apart from pain. The sciatica nerve is the longest in the body which passes through the buttock all the way down to the ankle and foot. If you suffer from sciatica pain there are alternative sciatica treatments available that are less invasive than back surgery.
The most common causes of sciatica is a ruptured or herniated disc. A ruptured disc causes the pressing of the spine against the nerve roots that in turn results in pain. Moreover, sciatica may be an indicator of other serious spine disorders like spinal stenosis or bone spurs.
Usually specialist in spinal disorders prefer treating sciatica through alternative sciatica treatments and avoid surgery. There are several sciatica procedures that are often considered when the pain becomes severe and the sciatica pain flare-ups keep on going for an extended period of time.
Non-surgical treatment methods as well as regular exercise helps in relieving the pain. These treatment methods also help the patient so that the condition does not get worse with time.
Non- Surgical Alternative Sciatica Treatments
There are a lot of non-surgical treatment options that work with the single goal of helping the patient get respite from pain which is caused by the nerve root compression. Usually one or a combination of treatment given below is recommended for sciatica:
Hot and Cold Therapy
This method is used for acute sciatica pain. Heat or ice packs go a long way in helping the patient alleviate the leg pain that is very common and severe in the initial phase.
Physical Therapy
This usually includes a combination of exercises which help in strengthening the muscles as well as reducing the pain. Exercises usually include stretching exercises as well as range of motion exercises.
Apart from these two options doctors may also recommend pain medications, epidural injections, chiropractic manipulation as well as acupuncture and massage therapy.